Guiding Principles
MFFN Elders’ Guiding Principles
To honour the traditional lands in which this Project will be developed and to respect the traditional teachings, the following Guiding Principles have been endorsed by Chief and Council of both communities and will be used throughout the engagement process. These were originally prepared for the Marten Falls Community Based Land Use Plan:
Marten Falls First Nation is an Anishinabe First Nation community in northern Ontario, located at the junction of the Albany and Ogoki Rivers.
- “Kezhikanawabajikateg kaye ji tepwaaniwaang kekikinozhiwemakaang.”
“Everything on our land and water is living and needs to be respected.”
The land and all of its living creatures are viewed by the Anishinabek as integral to the circle of life and integral to the survival and balance and harmony of the environment that Anishinabek is only one part of.
- “Kawininitojikateg nikan onajikewining ineke.”
“The Anishinabek relationship to the land should be seen as a cultured landscape; also an area that is continuously being used by the Anishinabek as a habitation and as a resource.”
The Anishinabek are of the land; their customs, identity, and cultures are tied intricately to the land and its resources.
- “Kakina ji wiinda mawa nowaht anishinabek ka onjiwatch.”
“Engage the Anishinabek on all issues that affect our shared and communal lands.”
All Anishinabek should be treated with respect and therefore, are to be engaged on matters that affect their lives directly.
- “Jih ishi kanawejikatey kakina kekon.”
“Respect the natural and Anishnawbe customs and teachings at all times.”
The Creator put Anishinabek on these lands as stewards of the land to take care of the lands and use the lands and its resources indefinitely. The only conditions were to adhere to the natural and traditional teachings of the Elders.
- “Chi Mamow waban ji kateg emishiinonaniwang mashkawisiinaniwang.”
“Looking at it together. In numbers there is strength.”
With consultation, the more persons that are directly affected, the more need to be involved in the process; therefore, the process will need to find ways to accommodate Anishinabek people (members and other stakeholders). (Marten Falls First Nation 2020)
Webequie First Nation Three-Tier Approach
A Three-Tier framework has been prepared for the approach to Indigenous consultation for the NRL. The Three-Tier approach is consistent with Webequie First Nation traditional cultural values, customs and beliefs. This consultation approach has been inherently passed on through generations by Webequie First Nation’s Indigenous Knowledge Keepers and forms part of the Elders’ Guiding Principles that harmonize with regulatory requirements for consultation.