Alternate Routes
- There are twelve corridor alternatives segments: A1, A2, B1, C1, C2, C3, D1, D2, D3, E1, F1, F2
- Many segment combinations are possible to put together a full corridor for the NRL Project
- Depending on the chosen corridor, the length of the NRL may range from 117 km to 164 km
- Road alignments will be identified within the 2 km wide corridors, allowing flexibility to adjust the alignments within the broader corridors to avoid or minimize impacts
- The advantages and disadvantages of each alternative segment will be assessed based on criteria to determine the preferred corridor
- Preliminary criteria for the assessment of alternatives include:
- Aboriginal and Treaty Rights and Interests – Indigenous land and resource use
- Physical Environment – source water
- Biological Environment – fish and fish habitat, Caribou (Boreal population) and Caribou (Eastern Migratory population), Moose, subsidence wildlife and waterfowl species, Species at Risk
- Socio-economic Environment – known mineral resource/areas of high mineral potential, land use and recreation, local and regional economy
- Cultural Heritage Resources – cultural heritage resources
- Engineering/Constructability – length (km), number and type of waterbody crossings, terrain, cost